Information for Parents

Updated: February 19, 2024

Privacy Information for parents and carers

During the ordinary course of your child’s attendance at BEPS, we will collect, use, disclose and, store student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, to educate your child, or to support your child’s social and emotional wellbeing or health in the school context. Please see our Privacy Policy  for more information.

School Timetable

Our daily whole-school timetable:

  • Sessions 1 and 2:  8:55am – 10.40am
  • Outside Play: 10:40am – 10:55am
  • Supervised Eating Inside: 10:55am – 11:10am
  • Sessions 2 and 3: 11:10am to 12:55 pm
  • Supervised Eating Inside: 12:55pm – 1:10pm
  • Lunch outside play: 1:10pm – 2:10 pm
  • Session 5: 2:10pm – 3:30pm

Your child’s learning community teachers can provide weekly timetables for your particular Learning Community – these are flexible and the details change in line with children’s changing learning requirements, and the events happening around the school.

Arriving at school on time is critical to successful learning outcomes, and is the respectful thing to do for teachers and other students.

We try to help out busy families by offering before and after school care for students as needed (OSHC). This service runs from 7:30 to 8:45 am and 3:30 to 6:00 pm. If your child has to be at school before 8:45am, either you have to remain with them or you need to book them into Before School Care. This is to ensure their safety.

Parent Helpers

Parent and community support in highly valued at BEPS. It offers invaluable learning opportunities to children and helps support school programs. We encourage you to speak to your child’s learning community teachers about how you might be able to hep out, including on excursions.

To ensure you are able to fully participate in school events we ask that you complete a Victorian Working With Children Check. This enables you to help us by supervising children in small groups and assisting on excursions. This check is completely free for volunteers. You can find more information on obtaining a check and card from .

Gaining a Working With Children Check is incredibly helpful to the school. It means community members are able to work with small groups of children and you are able to support teaching staff with supervision on excursions, helping to keep costs down. For every 20 children we take out of the school we are required to take one adult supervisor. Without community support we would have to employ an extra staff member for the day adding significantly to the cost.

Once you have completed the process could you please provide a copy of your Working With Children Card to the office so we can keep a record of it.